Big Red in Town and Country Magazine

What a blast to be asked for Big Red my Series 2a Land Rover to be a prop in the Town and Country magazine for the Eve Hewson shoot at Wimbledon Manor House with Photographer Richard Phibbs.

I had to travel down to Wimbledon the day before to ensure I was there for the shoot on time. It took place in December so the light in the sky would not last a whole day so it was imperative I was there early to travel back home early.

I got called up out of the blue by Nick from Elan PR who, knows Big Red my Land Rover, and asked if I would like to be part of the shoot.

I said yes then realised the journey it would entail. Alas I made it and my goodness it was such fun.  Remember, this year has not been full of excitements at all and photo shoots few and far between so I sort of did jump at the chance of a day out.

It was super weird not being the photographer but I managed to keep my mouth shut and just drink tea all day. AND watch with excitement as the different scenes were set up by the art department and photographic assistants.

After a meander around the house on my own we had lunch which was delicious and then it was time for Big Red to share her glamour.

Really the whole day was simply a dizzy day and we got paid too which being a prop… is always good. Everything about the whole thing was super lovely.

I am so pleased they used two shots of Big Red from the shoot. so many choices they had from the whole day. Really happy my girl got in twice!

Do try and get your own copy of the magazine. The first time I have actually bought it and I think its a good read. I have forgotten about the smell of ink and a good cup of tea and a magazine read by the window. The reading a magazine experience is something that I really miss. Working for magazines are my bread and butter amongst my corporate photography work and I really just remember the experience is so different from looking on line.  It is a total feeling. The smell, the touch and the concentration needed to get to the end of an article. I love it.

I do hope you have enjoyed the fun I had on this winter’s day with Big Red.

Much Love