Today on my travels around The Outer Hebrides, (for BBC Woman’s Hour), I was invited as a guest on the Drive Time radio program at Isles FM.  Armed with my Harris Tweed book I went to visit the team at the radio station to have my first EVER live radio interview.

I remember the casual chats that Richard Bacon holds during his radio shows and imagined it would be just like them, so at ease I sat at the corner of the desk opposite the presenter ready for my 5 minutes of fame.

Intoto_poster_1_copyOne of the delights of my  career is to photograph dance. From community workshops through to production and rehearsal shots for the Royal Ballet. Something that I will never stray from, despite my wonderful expeditions to Monte Carlo for Motor racing, or to the Outer Hebrides for Harris Tweed. Dance will always be inherent to my photographic practice. To capture something in flight, something that the eye simply cannot achieve by itself.

Intoto Dance Company

What in your world can you honestly say will wake you up to go and look at something? Perhaps a pair of running shoes, a long journey to break, or even a loved one beside you. But for me it is the confidence that what ever is put in front of me at 5.30 in the morning, armed with my Leica M9 and my Noctilux lens, I will be ready to see it.


billinghamHere I look at my collection of Billingham bags; 550, 225,Hadley Large, 335… I have acquired them over the years. Sometimes second hand camera kit comes in its own Billingham and I have simply collected them. On no account will I sell them on, they are my storage of kit and my uniform of duty.

I use them all at different times, well, the large bag stays at home and stores my spares. I need the ‘Billingham’ look for re-enactment jobs such as Goodwood Revival and  English Heritage Medieval days.

What in your world can you honestly say will wake you up to go and look at something? Perhaps a pair of running shoes, a long journey to break, or even a loved one beside you. But for me it is the confidence that what ever is put in front of me at 5.30 in the morning, armed with my Leica M9 and my Noctilux lens, I will be ready to see it.


I have just returned from the Rallye Monte Carlo Historique, where I was shooting for Scuderia Estense Motul. I thought it would be fun to document my journey with video. Something that I could forget about and just let roll whilst it was stuck to my shoulder. This did not quite happen but I did at least shoot some video and test out the PlaySport with some understanding of what it could do.  It is waterproof, it worked in extreme cold weather and we held in the snow for a long long time. It is easy to use, but I wonder how long the battery would last if I used it for extended periods of time.